Wednesday 25 May 2016

10 Countries with Strongest Army


Japan was the land of Samurais, and Japan was a leading military force in WW-II. Interestingly, its peace treaty at the end of WW-II prohibits it from having an offensive army. In response to its growing disputes with the ever-expanding China, Japan started military expansion, first time in 40 years, placing new base on outer islands. It increased its military spending, first time in 11 years, to $49.1 billion, the world’s 6th highest. It has over 247,000 active personnel and almost 60,000 in reserve. With 1,595 aircraft, it is the 5th largest air force. The army is also equipped with 131 war ships. Besides, through its recent defence initiatives, it maintains a solid military presence in Asia


South Korea shares its border with North Korea which has an extremely powerful army at its disposal, and hence, is a constant threat to South Korea. But, its offensive neighbour is not its only problem. To meet the increasing armament of China and Japan, South Korea has been increasing its defence expenditure, which is now $34 billion. It maintains a large army of over 640,000 active personnel and 2,900,000 additional personnel in the reserve, alongside the 6th largest air force with 1,393 aircraft, as well as a small 166 ships. The country has about 15,000 land weapons, including rocket systems, as well as 2,346 tanks. It routinely participates in military training with the US. 


It was perhaps the struggle of the other countries sharing borders with the regions where the Islamic State has a strong presence, the struggle in Syria or the probability of clashes with the Kurdish separatist organization, PKK, which made Turkey realize that it needs to prepare itself to face danger head on, if and when it approaches, and decide to increase its investment in defence in 2015 by 10%. Its defence budget is at $18.18 billion. Its army size, including regular troops and reserves, is just above 660,000. Turkey’s air force has 1000 aircraft. The military also claims to 16,000 land weapons. It has strong diplomatic ties with the US, and partakes in initiatives around the world.


Germany is one of the strongest economic forces in the world, but despite spending around $45 million every year, the army’s condition seems to have deteriorated in the past few years. This is perhaps because, the generation born and growing up in the 1950-60s were against war and its atrocities, and the fear of being beaten by countries with strongest armies, still discourages the people to join the army. In 2011, mandatory military service was eliminated to prevent the country from being a militarized country. It has only 183,000 active frontline personnel and 145,000 reservists, alongside 710 aircraft in total, and on-land armament of nearly 5,000 of various kinds.

6. France


France is another country to follow Germany’s lead because, in 2013, it took the decision to ‘effectively ‘freeze’ its military spending, and cut down on the defence jobs by 10%, to save money for technologically advanced equipment. Its current military budget stands at $43 a year, which is 1.9% of the country’s GDP, much below the spending target as set by NATO. Over 220,000 regular force combines with reservists to form a force of about 500,000. It has just over 1,000 aircraft, along with 9,000 ground vehicles. Even if these do not make France a formidable army, its position in the EU and UN, a total 290 nuclear weapons, and significant deployments strengthen the country.


The United Kingdom, another member of the EU, also has a plan of reducing the size of the armed forces by 20% between 2010 and 2018, and apply smaller cuts to the Royal Navy and RAF. The defence budget of the UK currently stands at $54 billion. It has a regular force of only about 205,000, along with a small air force of 908 aircraft, and an even smaller navy of 66 ships. However, the army of the UK is still a powerful one, with its superior training, equipment and its 160 nuclear weapons being the main strengths. The Royal Navy is planning to put to service HMS Queen Elizabeth, in 2020. It is an aircraft carrier, planned to carry 40 F-35B joint strike fighters around the world.


India has put its massive population to use, and built an army of a sizeable 3.5 million, including 1.325 million active military. The huge size of the Indian military is one of the reasons why it has always remained among the countries with best armies in the world. The man force of the army is complemented by almost 16,000 land vehicles which include 3,500 tanks, as well as 1,785 aircraft, alongside nuclear weapons. Its ballistic missiles can hit all of Pakistan or most of China. Its current defence budget stands at $46 billion, but it is expected to rise, in a drive to modernize the military power and become the 4th highest spender by 2020. It is the world’s largest military goods importer.


China’s defence budget officially stands at $126 billion, and, in a relentless drive to invest massively in defence, there is likely to be an increase of budget by 12.2%. It has a formidable size of army, with 2.285 million active frontline personnel and a further 2.3 million reservists, making it the world’s largest land force, along with nearly 25,000 land vehicles. It has another 2,800 aircraft on its air force. China is in possession of about 300 nuclear weapons, alongside 180 different methods of their deployment. China recently acquired sensitive information about the new F-35, and is noted for successfully stealing sensitive military technology. China is rightly among the top 3 armed forces.


Russia’s defence budget stands at $76.6 billion, and is expected to grow  44% more in the next three years. In fact, the military spending of Kremlin has increased by about a third since 2008, especially since Vladimir Putin took hold of Russia in 2000. The Russian army has shown substantial growth since the collapse of the Soviet Union two decades ago. It has 766,000 active frontline personnel and almost 2.5 million on the reserve force, though the soldiers receive mediocre training. The man force is backed by 15,500 tanks, making Russia the largest tank force in the world, though it is aging, like the other equipment. The country is the world’s leader, with almost 8,500 active nuclear warheads.


The United States spends a whopping $612.5 billion on the military, more than the other nine countries’ budgets combined. It maintains a remarkably large army composed of over 1.4 million soldiers, and a further 800,000 reservists. To complement the active ground force comprising well-trained men and women in uniforms, its biggest advantage is that it is the world leader in aircraft production, with a fleet of 19 aircraft carriers, while the carriers operated by the world together sum up to 12. The US implements cutting-edge technology like the Navy’s new rail gun, and the country also has 7,500 nuclear warheads at its disposal. No wonder it is no.1 military force since WW-II.

Monday 23 May 2016


10. German Air Force: 423 combat aircraft

Although smaller than the RAF by number of personnel (31,378 compared to 37,200), the German Air Force takes 10th place in terms the number of combat aircraft it can operate. Combat aircraft operated by Germany include the extremely modern Eurofighter Typhoon and the popular Panavia Tornado. The force was created in 1956, as the World War II version of the Luftwaffe had been disbanded in 1946 and Germany had been banned from having an air force until they joined NATO in 1955.
9. Republic of Korea Air Force (South Korea): 458 combat aircraft

Founded in 1949, the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) has changed through the decades, constantly maintaining combat capabilities in case of an attack from its belligerent neighbor. ROKAF utilizes a number of combat aircraft, including famous aircraft such as the American F-16 Fighting Falcon and the Northrop F-5. ROKAF also has a number of fighter-bombers in its ranks, such as the McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle and the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. ROKAF has been serving in the ongoing Global War on Terrorism.
8. Turkish Air Force: 465 combat aircraft

Turkey is a real military powerhouse, especially in its region. Not only does it have this expansive aerial combat ability, the country also has a huge army with over 400,000 personnel. Although the total fleet size of the Turkish Air Force is smaller than others not in this Top 10, the number of combat aircraft propels Turkey to the No. 8 spot. Like ROKAF, the Turkish Air Force also operates a large number of F-16 Fighting Falcons.
7. Pakistan Air Force: 502 combat aircraft

Considering the size of the air forces in countries surrounding or near to Pakistan, this Asian country has found itself with the need to operate a large combat air force itself. Dating back to 1947, the Pakistan Air Force has been involved in many conflicts since its foundation, including various confrontations with powerful neighbor India. The Chinese Chengdu J-7 is the fighter aircraft of choice for Pakistan, with the ever popular F-16 Fighting Falcon also being part of the makeup. The Pakistan Air Force also has French fighter aircraft, with the Dassault Mirage 5 and Mirage III.
6. Korean People’s Air Force (North Korea): 661 combat aircraft

Although North Korea is such an impoverished country (170th in the world for GDP per capita according to the IMF) somehow the secretive state can afford to maintain a massive combat aircraft force. Unsurprisingly, North Korea’s aircraft come from China, with some Soviet Union relics still in operation (like the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21). The KPAF has a large amount of Chinese Shenyang J-5 fighters, although many of them are believed to be not airworthy.
5. Egyptian Air Force: 900 combat aircraft

The Egyptian Air Force (EAF) is, in general, very large; it operates over 1,300 aircraft in total and has over 50,000 personnel. Amongst its combat aircraft is a huge number of F-16 Fighting Falcons: the EAF has 240 of them. With 321 armed helicopters also at its disposal, the EAF is a force to be reckoned with.
4. Indian Air Force: 1,080 com

Dating back to 1932, the Indian Air Force is massive, with an estimated 127,000 personnel looking after the aircraft. India can even assemble its own aircraft, producing hundreds of Sukhoi Su-30MKI air superiority fighters under license from Russia. The Indian Air Force also uses a fighter that was used to fly many successful sorties during the Gulf War, the SEPECAT Jaguar (France/UK).
3. People’s Liberation Army Air Force (China): 1,500 combat aircraft

Taking a huge leap over India’s air force is the might of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), with approximately 1,500 combat aircraft. Statistics for the PLAAF are staggering: 330,000 active personnel operating over 2,500 aircraft. The Chinese also build their own fighters and bombers, such as the Mach 2.35-capable Shenyang J-11 and the Xian H-6 that can carry over 20,000 lbs of free-fall bombs. In direct conflict, there would be very few nations that could contain, never mind overpower, the Chinese Air Force.
2. Russian Air Force: 1,900 combat aircraft

Formed in 1992 from the old Soviet Air Forces (which had 6,100 fighters, bombers and attack aircraft in 1990), the Russian Air Force has had to slim down because of financial constraints. However, more money has been given to this combat arm in the last few years and now it can operate with some fearsome aircraft. The Mikoyan MiG-31 “Foxhound” can fly at speeds of Mach 2.83 (1,860 mph) and has a service ceiling of 67,600 ft. The huge Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bomber can carry 88,185 lbs of weapons and fly at an impressive 1,380 mph.
1. United States Air Force: 3,318 combat AIR CRAFT

The USAF’s 1,245 F-16 Fighting Falcons alone could occupy fourth place on this list – and that’s just one type of combat aircraft! There are also the hundreds of F-15E Strike Eagles and the dozens of F-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning IIs. If that wasn’t enough, there are the giant strategic bombers the USAF has at its disposal, such as the famous Boeing B-52 Stratofortress and the futuristic Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, better known as the Stealth Bomber. The USAF has an amazing array of aircraft in its fleet, not forgetting the utterly terrifying Lockheed AC-130 (variant names: AC-130 Spectre/Spooky/ Ghostrider/Stinger II). This beast, with its capability to even operate a 105mm M102 howitzer amongst its multiple armaments, is enough to send many air forces packing on its own. Only the USAF operates them, and they have over 30 of them.

Wednesday 18 May 2016


F 16
F 7
Pakistan MFI-17 Super Mushshak


                                     Saab 2000

                                     Mil Mi-17
                                                  Alouette III 

                               Burraq UCAV

Tuesday 17 May 2016



Maiden FlightAugust, 2003
Length14.9 m49 ft
Height4.77 m15.6 ft
Wing Area24.4 m²263 ft²
Empty Weight6,411 kg14,134 lb
Maximum Take-Off Weight12,474 kg27,500 lb
Maximum Landing Weight7,802 kg17,200 lb
Fuel Weight2,268 kg5000 lb
Maximum Speed1,910 km/h – 1,187 m/h1.6 Mach
Ferry Range2,037 km1,266 miles
Operational Radius1,352 km850 miles
Service Ceiling16,794 m55,500 ft
G-Limit+8 / -3
NameKlimov RD-93Guizhou WS-13
Number  of EnginesOneOne
Dry Thrust49.4 kN51.2 kN
Thrust After Burner84.4 kN86.37 kN